Seasonal Affective Disorder
Personally, I prefer summer to winter, for me, summer is my go-to weather, however I also secretly adore winter, because it keeps me indoors and helps me to keep a track on my spending. Whereas I do have friends that cannot stand summer. Some feel it puts pressure on them to get out of the house and to spend more and as for winter, I also know a couple of people that simply adore the cold weather. Some actually say it forces youngsters to dress responsibly:)
Truth be told there are a few people that dread this coming winter simply because it becomes so dark and cold, some people actually dread the time to change the clock backward ritual simply because it signifies the approach of winter and such people may even refuse to get up and get going in winter, possibly you know some others that sleep all the time during winter or they might be having trouble sleeping at night because of their sad moods.
The Mayo Clinic, shares that “people that dread or are even depressed at certain times / seasons of the year are possibly experiencing what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which according to them is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year.”
Perhaps, it is time for you to keep an eye open for some of your friends that may feel sad, hopeless, irritable or even lose interest in things they used to enjoy during this period, it will be great if you can help them get the assistance they need. They may need to speak with a Therapist or even book an appointment with their Family Physicians who can assist them in getting to the root of the problem. There may be other causes to whats going on and you never know what a few minutes of talking to someone may actually do for you or your friends.
If you or a loved one are suffering from depression or anxiety and would also like to explore treatment options, please reach out. I would be happy to discuss how I may be able to help.
Written by Ibukun Ogunsina, New Beginnings Barrie, Psychotherapy and Counselling Services. Website:
Tel: +1 705 241 8456
Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels
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