Having An Affair?
Have you been a little secretive lately?
Have you recently changed your password to deny your spouse access to your phone?
Or perhaps you are sensing a fantastic combination of pure bliss and peace and a beautiful smile forms on your lips as you remember your last conversation with her. The guilty feelings are quickly washed away as you look forward to hearing from that lady at your office who gets you more than your wife.
My next question is, who else do you open up to apart from your spouse?
An emotional affair can be deceiving, most times you justify the need to bond emotionally with a co-worker other than your spouse just because they don’t question you, they understand you… you may even unintentionally start to become sexually attracted to the person, and begin to look forward to hearing from him/her.
In marriage, discussing with your spouse issues of the heart is in order, but bonding emotionally with someone else apart from your spouse may inadvertently hurt your relationship and evoke some troubles.
Sue Johnson – the originator of Emotionally Focussed Therapy (EFT), contends that humans are hardwired for connection and bonding. When that bond is broken, the relationship is vulnerable to infidelity.
Do you feel you may have inadvertently allowed someone else intrude your innermost thoughts apart from your spouse? Be rest assured that affairs do occur in happy marriages as well. That innocent encounter with a former boyfriend may turn into an affair if boundaries are not put in place.
So do you want things straightened out between you and your spouse?
Are you suffering from the emotional bond outside of your marriage and want to straighten things out?
We can help. Reach out to us whether it is an emotional affair, sexual affair, or even a one night stand. We can help you, and your spouse forgive each other, build trust again in the relationship, process issues together, move on and start all over again. We will engage in active listening, display empathy towards you both and maintain a non-judgemental stance.
Written by Ibukun Ogunsina, New Beginnings Barrie, Psychotherapy and Counselling Services. Website: www.newbeginningsbarrie.com
E-mail: inquiry@newbeginningsbarrie.com
Tel: +1 705 241 8456
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
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