December Blog

Recently, after speaking at a seminar, one of the participants approached me and asked how I manage to keep it all together in my marriage. I looked at the beautiful woman, and I shared that I am still learning how to. However, there are two things my hubby and I do that calm us daily and help us:
1. We always pray together daily.
2. We never leave the house without hugging and kissing each other.
No matter what time of the morning it is, or the circumstances we’re in – even if one of us (usually me) is still battling with yesterday’s discussion – once we are up, we pray together and, when it is time for one of us to leave the house, we drop everything else and hug and kiss each other.
In my line of work, I have realized that these two simple acts of love constitute an activity called “grounding.” These acts of love help marriages to remain intact. They help to fortify and strengthen a couple’s love for each other. In the midst of praying together, and hugging and kissing each other, yesterday’s banter is forgotten, and one is simply grateful to God for another day to love each other.
So, what do you do to ground yourself in your marriage? How do you keep it all together? How do you fortify your marriage walls and make them impenetrable to unforgiveness, resentment, anger and temptation? You could engage in a daily prayer meeting with your spouse, even for just 10 minutes. You could commit to a once-a-week fast devoted to strengthening your marriage, or you could text each other to check up on each other at work. Whatever you do, do it in love. Make sure you are working on your marriage. Make sure you are sowing seeds and setting an excellent example for your children to follow.
Much Love
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