November Blog

I am the type of mom who screams at my kids’ games. At my daughter’s volleyball practices or my son’s soccer practices, you will hear me encouraging them, shouting, “You go, girl!” or “You can do it, boy!” Even at their graduation, you could hear me saying loudly, “That’s my girl,” when each of them went up to receive their certificates.
I am not shy. I am a certified eternal encourager. However, on one particular Sunday, I was at my son’s soccer practice, and I noticed that my boy was not pulling his usual stunts. I still encouraged him by saying my usual words: “You go, boy! Grab the ball! Score that goal!!!” He tried, but I realized he was mostly staying in the middle of the field. So, at the end of the game, I asked him what happened. There were so many opportunities for him to go and grab the ball, but he didn’t. I told him he was acting more like a midfielder instead of a striker. He looked at me, smiling, and said, “Mom… I was put in a position of a defender. I was supposed to defend my team.” Hmmm… that sank in and made sense.
So it is with life! There are rules in life. We have been positioned in this world to run a race and to do something. Some of us are here to counsel, while some are here to heal. Some are here to teach, while some are here to entertain. A lot of people will scream, wanting to discourage or even try to encourage us, but we need to be aware of our calling-our roles. We should refrain from being distracted by others.
Be self-aware. Know yourself and stay in your lane. Listen less to the crowd. Most people don’t know what you are going through; they do not know your story. Some may actually mean well when they scream at you. Thank them for it, but listen more to your Creator. Remain strong, and all will be well.
In His grace
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